About the SAW Project™

The community corrections field is ready for transformational change, and at the SAW Project, we believe that change will come from creating a global idea-sharing culture. By interviewing supervision professionals around the world to discover programs that are delivering positive outcomes and then sharing that data, the SAW Project will support the continuation and growth of successful programs around the world.

At the heart of the SAW Project is data collection. Of 195 countries worldwide, no single database provides examples of current practices. The SAW Project is in the process of identifying countries offering supervision services, interviewing respective practitioners, documenting current practices, building relationships with key administrators, and creating an interactive internet repository for gleaned information that will guide informed decisions.

About the SAW Project


The Supervision Around the World (SAW) Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency. The project has its origins in 2015 at the 2nd World Congress on Probation, when Julie Truschel conducted a series of interviews with administrators from various countries about local supervision practices. Interest was so great in the global information, that the American Probation and Parole Association created a special edition of Perspectives dedicated to interview results.

International non-profit corrections agencies also believe this level of program information is important as evidenced by letters of support for the SAW Project received by:

What is SAW?

In the spirit of those interviews begun at the 2nd World Congress years ago, the SAW Project aims to continue that data-gathering process to identify which of 195 existing countries actively operate community supervision programs, which have programs that are in design, but not yet fully operational, and which have no program at all. The vast repository of data that results will be made available on an interactive website, and this way, position the SAW Project as the premier site for accessing up-to-date data on supervision program models around the world.

Offering program highlights from various countries and also personal stories in our ‘2-Minute Insights’ series, the SAW Project is committed to sharing examples of success in community supervision.


Once the SAW Project database is designed and populated with more detailed program information, users from the global corrections community will be able to access and discover even more new supervision models operating within other countries.  In this way, the project will help expand the industry’s collective knowledge base and encourage building valuable relationships that support and enhance ongoing collaborative efforts to improve client success. For additional information about how you can be involved and/or support the SAW Project, contact us.

*Supervision Around the World (SAW) Project is a registered trademark.